The Ministry of mercy is not just a means to the end of evangelism, word and deed are equally necessary. The Inner City Outreach Ministry strives to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the families in the Inner City of Hamilton providing over 30 years of personalized service to our neighbours.

Inner City has been providing programs to the community for over 30 years that supports over 300 youth and adults each week. Our programs range from recreational activities to craft nights, bible studies to family dinners. We have programs for children ages 6 to 24. Over the years more than 2,500 children have enrolled in the programs.

Ways to give
We have many needs within the Ministry. We urgently need more leaders and helpers for our weekly children’s programs, drivers for our various outings and camp. We also need donations from money, to food to furniture to your time. There are so many ways to give.
Inner City Outreach Ministry is always out in our community and always planning for the next program for how we can help our community. Please check in with our website from time to time to see what we are up to and where the community needs your help.