Our Programs
Discovery Club – Ages 6-12
6:30 – 8:00pm (Begins September 18, 2024)
Meet at the Eva Rothwell Centre for interactive games, crafts, activities, and snack for children aged 6-12.

Young Moms
6:30 – 8:30pm (Begins September 19, 2024)
A delightful group of moms of all ages meet on Thursday evenings. Our volunteers offer discussions on a variety of topics such as health care or nutrition. Resources like bus tickets, diapers and gift cards are provided each week for the Moms. They are also treated to parties, makeovers and cooking classes.

Community Outreach
As well as our weekly and monthly programs we offer an Annual Community Christmas dinner and Hamper program, basketball tournaments and clothing, furniture and food support throughout the year.
The Christmas Hamper program began many years ago and we were able to send out 20 hampers to families. Now through additional resources, a host of volunteers deliver well over 120 hampers each year. Each Christmas we are able to deliver gifts to needy children in the community.
One of the most joyful times of the year is Christmas and certainly hosting a Christmas Turkey Dinner for over 340 people is a joy. People receive their invitations in the mail and we always have a full house. Santa visits and brings a toy for all of the children.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have many needs within the Ministry. We urgently need more leaders and helpers for our weekly children’s programs, drivers for our various outings and camp. We are looking for worship bands, guitars, piano, singers, soloists etc. to take part in our Monday night Youth Service. We have financial needs to provide Bibles, devotionals, crafts, sports equipment and snacks. We accept donations of furniture, food (such as sandwiches and cookies for the kids’ groups). Most importantly, we ask that your group or church commit to PRAYER. Please pray for the neighbourhood and pray for the programs. Ask God to bless this work and lead the children and their families to Jesus.
If you are interested in helping with one of our programs or helping with a community-wide outreach activity, such as Christmas Dinner Camping, winter retreat please contact us today at 905-664-2838